Tag: <span>News</span>

Live Art


Saranjit Birdi is drawing live in the gallery using his mouth, feet and belows 11am to 4.30pm

Free Entry


Ort Gallery

500 – 504 Moseley Road
Balsall Heath
B12 9AH

Balsall Heath Is Our Planet

Neighbourhood News Online had a great meeting with John from Balsall Heath Is Our Planet (BHIOP) last week about how we could work together sharing news and working with communities in Balsall Heath.

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Stuff and the Makers of Balsall Heath

We all love stuff. Most of us have plenty of it. When it breaks we can buy more of it –as even my three year old is quick to point out, “We can just get another one from the -unicorn/doll shoe/banana – shop”. Recent shifts and media coverage (such as BBC’s Blue Planet) have made more of us aware of what happens to the stuff we throw away but what can we do when we want to update things?

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A lot has changed since our last editorial; three (unusually mild) seasons, a spiralling political climate, plenty of new arrivals and the loss of some very important people.

Dr. Anita Halliday MBE, one the founders of St Paul’s Community Development Trust who devoted her life to improving lives, especially in Balsall Heath, was an inspiration and will be missed dreadfully. Her legacy lives on in so many places and this blog is just one of the many good things she started. We will endeavour to follow on from her good work. Please do send your news, suggestions and pictures of Balsall Heath to share so we can keep it thriving. You can use the contact form on the right. We’d love to share your input.


The Forum’s wonderfully successful Dynamic Youth Awards evening makes everyone proud to be part of the Balsall Heath community. Youth may sometimes get a bad press but there were plenty there on Wednesday to prove they don’t deserve it. Balsall Heath may sometimes get a bad press – but it has to be said that among the array of special guests present there was not one who would believe it. Their consistent theme was – ‘If only there was a Forum like this everywhere. If only there were communities like this everywhere. If only there were achievements like this everywhere.’
The Church Centre looked as bright and welcoming as anywhere could be, and was packed, as is always the way for Forum events, with people of all ages, all ethnicities and all faiths. Well done to the organisations who sponsored the youth awards, and especially well done to the Forum for putting it all together for the seventh time in a row, to recognise the young people and encourage them on their way.
We all need encouragement – so let’s not forget the amazing achievements of the Forum, and its loyal people (largely unpaid): cheers Hamid, Sanjay, Mohammed, volunteers not forgetting Maurice, Abdullah, and all the Forum’s committee led by Subah, who are beavering away largely behind the scenes. We can’t thank you enough but we can try!