Site visit to Moseley Road to discuss road widening plans

John Newson of Balsall Heath is Our Planet shares news about a recent site visit to the Moseley Road with key partners and decision makers.

Dear friends, There has been an important site visit to Moseley Road by Cllr Waseem Zaffar, BCC Cabinet member for Transportation, on Wednesday. Our Balsall Heath councillors Zhor Malik and Shabrana Hussein attended and said they are fully behind the local community in opposing this scheme, which they were never involved in. We looked at all the problems that would be created if the scheme went ahead. Reps from Print Works, Baths, National Trust explained that narrowing the footways would threaten heritage-led regeneration. Friends of the Earth’s petition is to be submitted by Clr Malik to full Council next Tuesday.

Danny of TfWM was there and said that if the road widening element is taken out, then the businesses case falls (all or nothing). Cllr Zaffar said he has to make this decision very soon yes or no, and wants to hear from anyone who has anything relevant to say about why TfWM’s scheme should now be allowed to proceed, or not… 

Please write to him with your killer argument !!  Mention if you live or work here, use the shops, the bus, etc  Councillor Waseem Zaffar

John Newson, Balsall Heath Is Our Planet