Hall Green Neighbourhood Network Scheme seeks residents’ views
People across Hall Green Constituency are being asked to help shape community investment in their local services and community activity groups.
Hall Green’s Neighbourhood Network Scheme is a new initiative that has been created to promote and provide small grants to local groups and services that offer support and activities to residents over 50 in Balsall Heath, Sparkbrook, Sparkhill, Hall Green, Kings Heath and Moseley. This is part of a city-wide initiative to support Birmingham’s new community social work model that is investing in community action to reduce isolation, inactivity and people’s need for social care as they age.
Hall Green Neighbourhood Network Scheme is being run by Accord Housing Association. Accord has received funding from Birmingham City Council to promote and support existing groups and help fund new initiatives that are needed.
The Hall Green NNS Team are looking to local people to tell them what groups and services they would most like to be available for people over 50yr in the Hall Green area. People have until Wednesday 5th February to complete a very simple survey. The Team want to make sure as many local people as possible are involved.
It is really easy to get involved, simply click on the button below to access the survey which takes just a couple of minutes to complete. Funding applications open on 18th February and will focus investment on the survey result areas. Regular updates on funding, training and support surgeries will be made on our facebook page and twitter account over the next 14 months of the programme.
Please complete our short Google Forms survey using this link: