Stories from: The Muath Trust

The Muath Trust, based at The Bordesley Centre on the Camp Hill roundabout has been at the centre of efforts to support the community in Sparkbrook during the Covid-19 crisis. This work builds on The Muath Trust’s extensive work to support people over 50 in the area.

The men’s group for over 50s met weekly prior to lockdown. Each week men came to enjoy food together and have a kick-around in the centre’s hall. Mohammed Kassim speaks in this film about the group and the changes he has seen in people who come to regular sessions.

Weekly games of football are a great way for the men to keep active – and have some fun together.

Women also attend weekly sessions where they have opportunity to take part in a range of exercise and wellbeing activities, as well as go on group visits to meet with other members of the group, or to local attractions.

You can find out more about the work of The Muath Trust and their support for people over 50 during lockdown at