Request for digital devices

The Muath Trust in partnership with Hall Green NNS are addressing the challenges faced by the Digital Divide through an exciting Digital Recycling Project. The aim of this Project is to help individuals aged 50 and over benefiting from getting online within the Hall Green Constituency, areas include: Balsall Heath, Hall Green, Kings Heath, Mosley, Sparkhill and Sparkbrook.

Do you have a digital device in good working condition, such as a desk top computer, laptop, tablet or a smart phone that you could to donate to our Digital Recycling Project for recycling?

We will clear existing data on all received devices then offer it to someone who cannot afford to buy a device in order to go online. Where required, appropriate support and training will be provided for individual device recipients to help them get online. 

Your donated device can:

  • Help someone isolated contact family and friends
  • Help people with job search online
  • Enable someone to access essential online services.

If you would like to donate a digital device or have any questions with regards to our Digital Recycling Project then please telephone: 0121 753 0297 (Mon – Fri, during office hours) or email: