NOT Widening the Moseley Road

John Newson from Balsall Heath is Our Planet gives an update on plans for the development of the Moseley Road through Balsall Heath. This blogpost is taken from Balsall Heath is Our Planet’s blog.

An update on the scheme to widen the Moseley Road through Balsall Heath of 2019 has finally been posted in 2021.

In the Revised scheme, the following have been removed from the scheme; the widening of Moseley Road for a fourth lane, the narrowing of the pavements and removal of street trees through Balsall Heath.

That leaves some bus lane and parking restrictions to be implemented in the next few months. Birmingham Council has other money for minor improvements to the public realm, in 2021.

This was after a lot of objections and a petition against the scheme. It shows that people power can work. Although much time and money may have been wasted in getting to this point. We shall see if the promised savings to bus times actually materialise.

The 2019 scheme is discussed in this blog. Details of the Revised Scheme are now on BeHeard.