Lateral Flow Testing at home

Taking twice weekly Lateral Flow test is a quick and easy way to see if you are likely to have Covid-19. Many workplaces and educational settings are asking people to take these tests, but it’s a simple, free and convenient test for everyone to do, whatever your circumstances.

You can take the test:

  • If you have no symptoms of Coronavirus
  • If you are over 11 years old
  • If you have not been told to self isolate
  • If you are not receiving a test elsewhere

You can order your tests online through the government website. Each pack contains 7 tests and it is advised that you do the test twice a week, every 3 or 4 days. If you cannot order online, call 119. Lines are open 7am to 11pm and calls are free.

The test involves taking a swab from the back of your throat and inside your nostril. The swab is inserted into a tube of solution and the solution is dropped onto a rectangular test kit. You will have your result in 30 minutes and then you can log the result with the government website.

Testing will be crucial to ensure that we can stop the spread of Covid-19 and prevent us from unwittingly passing it to family, friends and colleagues. It is also an important tool to help Public Health experts see where the virus is spreading.

If you have symptoms of Covid-19, or a positive Lateral Flow Test result, you will need to arrange for a PCR test by following this link. Symptoms include:

  • a high temperature
  • a new, continuous cough
  • you’ve lost your sense of smell or taste or it’s changed