Appeal For Neighbourhood Watch Coordinators In Hall Green
It has been identified that there are numerous geographical gaps, within the constituency, where residents are not represented. It is possible that you may be living in an area where there is no formal NHW scheme and therefore missing out on the support that is available from your Local Policing Team and the National Neighbourhood Watch Network.
Would you consider becoming a NHW Coordinator? There is lots of support available to help you including existing experienced coordinators. It is not expected to take up a lot of your time. Like all volunteering roles, you can do as little or as much as you like. Of course, you will be making a valuable contribution to your community.
Neighbourhood Watch is more than just about crime prevention. It is about building strong, resilient, cohesive communities uniting people to provide support in the places where they live and work to make them feel less afraid, vulnerable or isolated.
If you want to know more, without making a commitment, please reply to this message.
If you would like further information please contact me.
kind regards
Message Sent By
Stefanie Sadler (Police, Engagement & Consultation officer, Birmingham Partnerships)