Litter Flytipping

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This message from PCSO Lorraine Whelan about local flytipping has been circulated via the WMNow mailing list.

Today Sunday 12th January a few of us helped support a local litter pick in Sparkbrook available to view on our Police Twitter page @SparkbrookWMP.

We are just making the community aware of the huge increase in fly tipping we observed which included food waste in many cases this menace has real implications for public safety as this will really increase infestations of rats and other vermin.

This message is just to let our communities have a real awareness of this menace we can all play our part if you observe fly tipping then any information including registration number plates for Birmingham City council as they have a prosecution team.

Have conversations with neighbours and make them aware of where the local tips are to dispose of rubbish the addresses for these are James Road Tyseley B11 2BA and Ebury Road Road Kings Norton B30 3JJ.

Also make your friends and neighbours aware of Fixmystreet the website where fly tipping can be reported. If neighbours are of a mind to get together maybe organise a local litter pick on your road to help keep your immediate environment clean. A great calorie burner too forget the gym and if you are thinking of having one let us know as we are happy to attend if we are on duty show some support and put your great efforts on twitter. It all helps contribute to looking after our environment and making our roads better places to live