Sparkbrook & Balsall Heath East On-Line Ward Meeting – 15 February
You are invited to join the next Sparkbrook & Balsall Heath on-line ward meeting on 15 February at 6.30pm. The meeting will take place via Microsoft Teams and the link to join is set out below.
There is a guide to joining the meeting and a code of conduct for Microsoft Teams here.
1. Welcome & Notice of Recording
Chair to advise those participating/listening to the on-line meeting that a recording will be made for future record and available on the council’s You Tube channel
2. Cleaner Streets
To hear an update from Les Williams, Principal Operations Manager, on latest initiatives and discuss the way forward
3. Local Police Update
4. Balsall Heath Community Governance Review
Overview from Claire Hardwick, Community Support & Development Officer
5. Local Updates/Issues/Councillor Updates