School Uniform Donations
This summer Moseley Community Development Trust is working with Hall Green Families and Rubery Swap Shop to set up a school uniform swap shop in Moseley and we need school uniforms in good condition without rips, tears and stains.
We’d love donations of:
– School uniform
– School shoes
– PE kits
– Trainers/Pumps
– Swimming costumes
– Winter coats
– School bags
Any items in good condition can be dropped off at Moseley Exchange: 149-153 Alcester Rd, B13 8JP (entrance through the archway next to the Post Office) Mon-Fri 9am-5pm.
Items will be used to support families who may be struggling with the cost of school uniforms, but also available to anyone to access as a swap shop to help us reduce items going to landfill, so helping the environment too.
Even if you don’t have school-aged children we ask for your help to spread the message to friends and neighbours, thank you!