School Exclusions – Share Your Story

Have you or someone you know ever been affected by school exclusions?

If yes, The Gap Arts Project would like to hear from you…

…whether you’re a young person, parent, teacher or youth worker, and no matter how long the period of exclusion was.

We’re currently planning for a season of theatre that will explore justice and the criminalisation of young people. As part of this, we’re commissioning the writing of a play about school exclusions that will be produced and performed by our Youth Theatre in the near future. 

We want this work to be informed by real stories and experiences, specifically from people who live in Birmingham. 

How will my story be collected, and how will it be used?
We’d love to speak with you directly, either over the phone or on a Zoom call (your choice) through a conversation/informal interview, where you can share as little or as much as you like about your experience and shape the direction the conversation takes. However we’re also open to you sharing via voice note or writing if you’d prefer. If you choose the conversation option, the audio will be recorded as a record and to be used for transcribing into text. Recording of conversations and any material you share with us will be used only internally by The GAP team for the research purposes described above. We will send you a consent form with the fine details of this, which can chat through and mutually agree to beforehand.

Interested? Want to find out more?
Get in touch to express your interest by emailing