Paid role to support development of Balsall Heath Neighbourhood Council

Residents will soon be able to vote to establish a Neighbourhood Council in Balsall Heath.

Are you interested in helping to ensure residents understand what this means and the difference it can make to the area?

If you have answered yes to this question please read on…

We are looking to recruit a person(s) to carry out community engagement and raise awareness of the Neighbourhood Council proposal and vote. This part time / sessional role will deliver from mid-September to 28th November 2022 to ensure that we maximise the vote which will take place during November 2022.

You must have 

  • Experience of delivering community engagement (planning and delivering)
  • Be able to communicate information clearly and simply about the proposed Balsall Heath Neighbourhood Council and how / why people should use their vote
  • Be in favour of the proposed Neighbourhood Council
  • Understand the complexities of Balsall Heath and its residents
  • Experience of engaging with community organisations to deliver our message
  • Be able to write simple reports
  • Ability to speak one or more language(s) commonly used within the locality.
  • Ability to work evenings/weekends

The role(s) will be on a consultancy basis with hours and rates of remuneration agreed in advance.

Applicants interested in this role(s) must write a submission outlining their experience and expertise, hourly rate and evidence of meeting the above criteria. Please submit your application to by 16th September 2022.

If you wish to discuss this informally, please contact