Neighbourhood Council re-ballot – 5th June – 3rd July
Groups and residents from your local area want to create a parish (or neighbourhood) council in Balsall Heath. They have put forward a proposal to Birmingham City Council and they are campaigning on the issue locally.
What area does this cover?
The same area as is covered by the existing Balsall Heath Neighbourhood Plan – see the Birmingham City Council website for map of area.
Neighbourhood Councils are elected and made up of local people, working at the most local level and closest to the community. They don’t replace the City Council, which is responsible for the whole city.
Neighbourhood Councils can:
• Have legal powers and authority.
• Own land and buildings and other assets. • Provide local services.
Some of the things a Neighbourhood Council could do are:
• Provide a wide range of local services to add to or improve those provided by the City Council
• Improve local areas
• Improve local decision making
• Provide a greater local voice for the community
• Raise additional public money within their area to support local needs
Are there any other neighbourhood councils in Birmingham?
Yes, in New Frankley and Sutton Coldfield.
How will the neighbourhood council be funded?
Neighbourhood Councils can raise a small amount of money from residents in the area (called a “precept”). This can be used to provide extra, different, or improved local services.
This would be collected along with your Council Tax (the same exemptions and discounts would apply). If you do not pay Council Tax, you will not pay the precept.
It is not possible to say exactly how much the precept would be until a Neighbourhood Council is elected – it will be for the elected neighbourhood councillors to decide, but an average precept is around £1 per week.
How is the decision made?
Birmingham City Council is required to carry out a “Community Governance Review”. This review included finding out what local people, like you, think about the idea. The Balsall Heath Community Governance Review took place between February and July 2022.
All the community feedback was reviewed. It showed most people who responded supported the idea of a Balsall Heath Neighbourhood Council and wanted to explore the proposal further.
The City Council Cabinet decided the proposal should go to the next stage – a ‘consultative ballot’ of Balsall Heath residents. This means that every Balsall Heath resident who is eligible to vote will be able to have their say on whether a neighbourhood council is created in Balsall Heath.
The City Council Cabinet and the full City Council will decide on whether a neighbourhood council is created, based on the result of the ballot and the proportion of people who vote.
So it’s important to make sure you return your ballot paper and have your say.
A postal consultative ballot was held in November – December 2022.
In the consultative ballot held in Nov – Dec 2022, the turnout of eligible voters was 22% with 78% voting Yes. Birmingham City Council required a turnout of at least 25% of eligible voters and they decided a re-ballot should be held.
The re-ballot is being held from 5th June –3rd July.
This is a postal ballot.
Please note: all those who voted in the first ballot will need to vote again in this ballot.
All Balsall Heath residents who are registered to vote in City Council elections will be sent a postal ballot paper by the Independent Scrutineer, Civica Election Services at the end of May ready for voting during June.
The question you will be asked to vote on is:
‘Do you want a Neighbourhood Council for Balsall Heath?’
The ballot will be conducted by post by the Independent Scrutineer, Civica Election Services of The Election Centre, 33 Clarendon Road, London, N8 0NW.
To be counted, the ballot paper must be received by Civica no later than 5pm on Monday 3rd July.
Please post your vote in good time so it arrives by 3rd July.