Moseley Road Baths – What’s On January and February 2022

Moseley Road Baths CIO have released details of a jam-packed, eclectic range of activities over the next few months. Don’t be fooled by the scaffolding going up at the front of the building, Moseley Road Baths is still very much OPEN for all!

See the images below for details of sessions, or for readers using a screen-reader, head to the Moseley Road Baths website for full details of swimming and community activities, including a Tea Dance, Floristry, Men Only Mixed Sports, Drama Debating and creative therapeutic sessions!

There are also a number of sessions – adult and children’s yoga, drama debating and a children’s music club – which can be booked via following this link to Eventbrite.

Swimming also continues in the building, albeit on a slightly reduced timetable until February half term whilst the CIO take some time out to review the timetable and consider how to make the pool an even better place to swim, work and volunteer. If you are interested in being part of the team of volunteers, contact