Daily Thread at The Old Print Works run regular, affordable open textile sessions for everyone. We spoke to some to some participants at their Craftivism workshop.
I come to Daily Thread most Thursdays evenings, helping to run it. The group varies in size between 4 or 5 up to 14 or 15. People can bring something textile they’re working on, or can come and learn a new skill or come and find some fabric or yarn and get some help with something they want to make. Each first Thursday we do a little teaching session so people can learn a few things.
It’s always relaxing and friendly and we always have some cake and drinks. It can be really fun and we often have a laugh and always lots to chat about. We’re none of us experts, but many have different skills so we try to help each other. It’s really exciting when someone learns something new and really runs with it. Someone tried a little weaving one week and came back the following week having bought a little loom and made a lovely scarf. Sitting together and working on something is a comfortable way to get to know people. We come together over a common interest and start up from things to do that you can carry on at home. We get ideas from each other and have lots of fun.