Joint Sparkbrook & Balsall Heath East & Balsall Heath West Ward Meeting – meeting agenda

Please find below the agenda for next week’s joint ward meeting on 22 January at 7pm at Sparkbrook Health & Community Centre.

Date:    Wednesday 22 January 2020

Venue: Sparkbrook Health & Community Centre, Grantham Road, B11 1LU

Time: 7.00pm


  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. Notice of Recording: Meeting Chair to advise that members of the press/public may record and take photographs except where there are confidential or exempt items
  3. Apologies
  4. Police Update – Sergeant Rigby
  5. Change, Grow, Live – representative will attend to explain the work they do in the wards
  6. Waste Management & Street Cleaning – The Principal Operations Manager will be attending
  7. Any Other Business

Please let us know if you have any access issues or special/particular requirements as soon as possible on the contact details below

Contact: Kay Thomas, Community Governance Manager, Tel: No 0121 675 5664; email: