Household Support Fund
The Hall Green Communities team are working alongside BVSC, Birmingham City Council and various local organisations to support in the roll out of the Government’s ‘Household Support Fund’ in Hall Green constituency.
This Winter (January 22′ – March 22′) households facing financial hardship could be eligible for a grant of £150 to cover the costs of “food, energy and water bills and wider essential costs”. This grants scheme is for people of all ages who are struggling to afford essential household items, including single older adults, with the main criteria stating applicants must be a Birmingham resident facing financial hardship.
Our local partner organisations from across Hall Green constituency are supporting to deliver this work. Those who would like to apply for a grant, or to signpost others for support, can contact:
Balsall Heath and Sparkbrook
Bahu Trust
0121 440 / 07737151326
Once applications are made they are sent to BVSC who are administering the grants. The fund will be available until March 2022. If you are outside of Hall Green constituency or would like to signpost someone out of area for support please visit the Birmingham City Council website for information on support fund providers across the rest of Birmingham HERE.
For general information about the fund in Hall Green please contact