Hall Green Network and Funding Launch
Hall Green Neighbourhood Network need your help, input and guidance to meets the diverse needs and interests of people over 50 in the Hall Green Constituency.
Please join us for the launch of our next stage of NNS delivery and find out about FUNDING available in your area. Details of these events during the last week of February are attached below. Register now using the links provided and find out more!
Hall Green NNS aims to better connect people over 50 to groups, organisations, activities, services and places in local neighbourhoods. It is part of a wider initiative to support Birmingham’s new Adult Social Care model of Prevention First to reduce people’s need for social care as they age.
To introduce the Hall Green NNS programme of local network support and small grants funding we are hosting a series of launch events during the last week in February.
We need local people to work with us to ensure our work:
• Promotes the great stuff that already exists
• Supports local community assets to fill recognised gaps
• Invests in initiatives to meet diverse local needs
We look forward to seeing you there and exploring how best we can work together going forward.
Sparkbrook and Balsall Heath Community Funding and Networking Launch: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sparkbrook-and-balsall-heath-community-investment-and-funding-briefing-tickets-94624294813
Moseley and Kings Heath Community Funding and Network Launch: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/kings-heath-and-moseley-community-investment-and-funding-briefing-tickets-94621037069
Hall Green Community Funding and Network Launch: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hall-green-community-investment-and-funding-briefing-tickets-94625175447
Sparkhill Community Funding and Network Launch: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sparkhill-community-investment-and-funding-briefing-tickets-94619203585

For more information email HallGreenNNSTeam@accordgroup.org.uk
Tel: 07584 500595