Brum Breathes School Summit

This event has ended

You are invited to join us + the Clean Air Parents’ Network to discuss what is being done to tackle air pollution around the city’s schools.

About this Event

Air pollution affects everyone in Birmingham – but especially children. Studies have shown that children in high pollution areas are four times more likely to have reduced lung function when they become adults. Transport is responsible for around 80% of pollutants such as nitrogen oxides, and the school gate is a location where we are often particularly exposed to this.

The Clean Air Parents’ Network is connecting parents across the city to understand the impact that poor air quality has on the health of their children now and as adults. A national network, parents are able to learn and share experiences from other parts of the country and affect change to clean up the air where children live, learn and play.

Birmingham City Council is working in partnership with many other groups to support schools, pupils and their families to understand the impact of air pollution on our health, and what we can do to help make the air cleaner and reduce our exposure to air pollution.

The Brum Breathes School Summit will:

• Provide an insight into tackling air pollution from different perspectives (politician, health professional, parent, education professional)

• Outline what we are all doing to reduce air pollution and highlight the various initiatives and resources available to support this – including the launch of our new School Streets programme.

• Give attendees the opportunity to share their experiences, ideas and ask questions.

This event is organised in partnership with the Clean Air Parents Network.