Countrymen Club

Countrymen Club is a new project at Balsall Heath City Farm for men aged 50+.

It’s a chance to get together, enjoy a hot lunch, and help out around the farm. There will be a choice of both indoor and outdoor activities on offer each week, including mucking out the pens, helping with the animals, DIY jobs, gardening, and arts and crafts amongst other things.

Unfortunately due to the lockdown, we’ve had to postpone the club’s activities until it’s safer for our members to be back on the farm. But in the meantime, we’d still like to support men in our community here in Balsall Heath, and thanks to Countrymen UK, we’ll be developing an outreach programme over the next few months.

We can also signpost you to other relevant services, such as telephone call
schemes, food parcel services, or mutual aid groups.

Countrymen UK

Countrymen Clubs across the UK help to meet the challenges being faced by men who find themselves isolated because of deteriorating physical or mental health or changing social conditions, which may include:

Dementia : Parkinson’s : Stroke : Isolation : Injuries : Anxiety : Depression : Bipolar : Post Traumatic Stress : Alzheimer’s : Chronic Pain : Cancer : Heart & Lung Conditions and others.

The Vision

That all men, regardless of their mobility or cognitive levels, are given the opportunity to participate in healthy, active and social activities in a safe and supported countryside or farm environment to the benefit of their physical and mental wellbeing.

Get in Touch

If you or somebody you know is interested in being involved with the Countrymen Club, please visit our website to fill in a registration form.

Alternatively, contact our Outreach Initiative Specialist at:
07706 992 444