Coronavirus weekly update from Birmingham City Council
Welcome to the coronavirus weekly update from Birmingham City Council.
The update lets you know about Birmingham City Council’s services, public health information, general advice on Covid-19, and other relevant news from the council and our partners so that we can keep you informed. If you have friends and family who are not online, please share the information in this bulletin with them.
You can find a full suite of information about Covid-19 on the council’s website.
From 24 July, it will be mandatory to wear a face covering in shops and supermarkets. Exemptions include: young children; people with breathing difficulties; and people living with a disability.
Birmingham City Council has paid out support grants in excess of £200 million to more than 16,000 struggling local businesses. City businesses were also given the opportunity to apply for a Discretionary Business Grant and the council has processed 1,100 applications – and paid out grants totalling just over £2.7millon to 651 businesses.
Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership is calling all eligible businesses to apply for the Pivot and Prosper Grant Fund, which gives businesses the opportunity to apply for match funding up to £40,000.
Looking ahead to the Commonwealth Games in two years’ time, the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games organising committee has launched a search for children to help design the official mascot for the Games.
Transport for West Midlands (TfWM) and Birmingham City Council are leading on the development of an e-scooter rental trial in the West Midlands.
Anyone looking for a convenient way to recycle garden waste can now subscribe to the city council’s paid-for service as it re-opens to new customers following the easing of coronavirus restrictions.
Lockdown has made everywhere quieter, but the joys of cycling and walking will only get louder! Roll & Stroll safely with West Midlands Network.
Encourage your staff to keep walking and cycling! A Workplace Travel Plan with Modeshift STARS helps businesses and organisations promote active travel for work-related journeys. Birmingham workplaces register FREE: or email: