Coronavirus weekly update from Birmingham City Council
Welcome to the coronavirus weekly update from Birmingham City Council.
The update lets you know about Birmingham City Council’s services, public health information, general advice on Covid-19, and other relevant news from the council and our partners so that we can keep you informed. If you have friends and family who are not online, please share the information in this bulletin with them.
You can find a full suite of information about Covid-19 on the council’s website.
Birmingham City Council’s Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment, Councillor Waseem Zaffar MBE, has written to the Secretary of State for Transport, Grant Shapps MP. The letter asks for central government to support the introduction of a 20mph default speed limit in Birmingham.
Following a successful bid application, the council has secured £58,000 in government grant funding to run an e-cargo bike pilot in the city.
Cllr John Cotton, Birmingham’s Cabinet Member for Social Inclusion, Community Safety and Equalities, posts about recognising how important faith is to Birmingham’s communities, highlighting that many people will be preparing for Eid this weekend. Mosques will remain closed to the public across the country until the current situation improves. Stay safe and protect your families this Eid. Find full guidance here.
Listen to the first episode of the council’s new podcasts Let’s Be Together. The Leader of Birmingham City Council, Cllr Ian Ward, and our Director of Public Health, Dr Justin Varney, discuss coronavirus lockdown in the city. Available on Apple and Spotify.
A letter has been sent to parents and school staff about the re-opening of Birmingham’s schools.
Organisers of Pride, which would have been held over the bank holiday weekend, have postponed the event until next year. But no one has to miss out completely – a virtual Pride takes place this Sunday, 24 May, with live streaming from 2pm!
Planning officers at Birmingham City Council are exceeding Government targets with more than 1,000 determinations made since lockdown began.
Check out Healthy Brum’s YouTube channel for helpful videos on how to stay healthy, active and creative at home.
If you live in England, you can now spend more time exercising and relaxing outdoors. If you are visiting one of Birmingham’s parks or open spaces you MUST continue to keep at least 2-metres away from anyone that you don’t live with.
Love animals? Join Birmingham Wildlife Conservation Park with their tortoise collection!
Would you like more ideas of things to do? Don’t forget, Visit Birmingham has created an ‘at home’ section on its website highlighting a range of virtual events and tours and much more.