Celebrating Communities Grants – have your say!
Residents of Sparkbrook and Balsall Heath are invited to help make decisions about applications made to the Commonwealth Games Celebrating Communities Fund.
This is an opportunity to listen to pitches by applicants to the fund, take part in a Q&A session and cast your votes during an online meeting.
Sparkbrook and Balsall Heath East
Residents of Sparkbrook and Balsall Heath East ward can attend the meeting on Thursday 10th March, 6-8pm on Zoom. You can check if your address is in this ward by checking the map here. Register for the meeting in advance here.

Balsall Heath West
Residents of Balsall Heath West ward can attend the meeting on Tuesday 15th March, 6-8pm on Zoom. You can check if your address is in this ward by checking the map here. Register for the meeting in advance here.