Capo Guitar Group

Misfits Music’s brand new Capo Guitar Group which is aimed at beginner or self-taught adults is beginning on 9th November.

Members will take part in online sessions that will improve their skills and connect them with local people in the South Birmingham area. Our tutor Rodrigo will help members to learn the songs they love, and work towards a public performance either online or socially distanced.

Sessions, supported by Hall Green Neighbourhood Network Scheme, are aimed at adults aged 50+ who are beginner or self-taught guitar players. Sessions start online on Monday 9th November via Zoom, and we can help participants to set this up if they need it. As restrictions change we plan to run some sessions both socially distanced outdoors and indoors and there will be online social events and other activities to get involved with.

You are not required to pay to take part in these sessions, although donations are accepted from those who can afford to contribute. We understand times are tough and want to give everyone the chance to access some great music making!

More information and register to take part at: