Campaign launched to get older Brummies to reconnect after a year of social restrictions

The Ageing Better in Birmingham programme has launched a campaign to encourage people over 50 to take part in activities following the government’s decision to lift coronavirus restrictions.

The programme, which has been running in Birmingham for the last six years, aims to reduce social isolation and loneliness for local citizens over the age of 50.

The #ReadyToReconnect campaign will see posters at over 300 care homes, GP surgeries and organisations across the city, as well as a social media campaign and a micro fund allowing community groups to apply for up to £2,000 to help people over 50 in Birmingham become less socially isolated and lonely.

Almost 57,000 people aged 65 and over live alone in Birmingham (37% of the age group), and this rises to nearly 81,000, almost 53 per cent of the age group, when those with a limiting long-term illness are included. These proportions are higher than the England and regional figures. Living alone increases our risk of being socially isolated and lonely, and reconnecting with people can change people’s lives now and better prepare them for the future.

Campaign Lead Elina Rosen said: “We know that having someone to speak to and getting into the habit of meeting friends and neighbours is good for us. We also know that there are people in our community who are understandably hesitant about getting out and about after a year of social restrictions. We want this campaign to nudge them into feeling that they can safely reconnect with their community again.”

Ageing Better in Birmingham is looking for more organisations and local businesses who can help promote the campaign’s message by putting a campaign poster up in their venue. It could be a café window, a counter, a noticeboard or a space dedicated to community information.

To receive a campaign poster in the post, please send an email to Elina Rosen at including your name, the address to send the poster to and how many A4 or A3 posters you would like.