Add Content

This website is a platform for you to share your activities, local news and views. We are always on the lookout for new local voices.

Click on the relevant button below to complete a simple Google Form to add content to the site (a moderator will check your submission before posting). If you have any problems, please contact us directly via email at Don’t forget to add photos, flyers or posters!

  • You are responsible for making sure that the information is clear, accurate and up to date.
  • You must include the text from any image on the form. We care about making this site accessible for all. We cannot accept submissions with key information only embedded in their event’s flyer or poster as this is inaccessible for people using screenreaders and online translation services.
  • We encourage image descriptions to describe images for visually impaired visitors to this site. Just add a short description of your image to the end of the text. For example: ‘A woman of South Asian heritage, wearing a hijab and bike helmet, smiles as she cycles through a park on a sunny day. The organisation’s logo is in the bottom right hand of the image’.
  • We reserve the right to delete any material which breaches our basic standards. THINK. It is True, Helpful, Informative, Necessary and Kind?

We aim to publish submissions within a few days of receiving them – you will be notified via e-mail when your submission appears online.