A Neighbourhood Council for Balsall Heath?
We all have the opportunity to help to set up an elected Neighbourhood Council for Balsall Heath, as the body to push for long term improvements to the area. It will be local people, elected by local people, to work on their priorities.
Birmingham City Council is running a consultation which will close on 24 April to ask if this should be put to a vote of all electors.
At the BH Neighbourhood Strategic Partnership of local organisations we are encouraging groups and individuals to back this proposal. If you have a newsletter or mail out, please alert your members. If there is enough support for the Neighbourhood Council by 24 April, then elections would follow in 2023. The City Council’s survey is quite brief and is at BeHeard www.birminghambeheard.org.uk/economy/balsall-heath-cgr/
John Newson, For BH Strategic Neighbourhood Partnership