A National Education Service: Birmingham SEA Meeting with Melissa Benn

Tuesday, 12 February 2019 from 19:00-21:00

Labour’s plan for a National Education Service ‘from cradle to career’ offers a radical new direction after the disastrous years of Conservative education policies. The NES 10 Point Charter establishes the principles and now the process has begun of translating them into concrete policies.

Melissa Benn is a leading activist and writer on education. She is chair of Comprehensive Future. Her books include ‘School Wars: The Battle for Britain’s Education’ and, just published, ‘Life Lessons: The Case for a National Education Service’.

The Socialist Educational Association is affiliated to the Labour Party.
Visit the SEA website at: www.socialisteducationalassociation.org
Birmingham SEA is active in the Labour Party in Birmingham and the West Midlands.
Contact Birmingham SEA at birminghamsea@gmail.com or follow our Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/brumsea