A message from Balsall Heath Library staff
Many of us are really missing Balsall Heath Library and the fantastic Librarians who provide such a warm welcome. Kerry from the Library has been in touch with this message for us all.
Balsall Heath Library is still closed. We just wanted to share a link to some online resources on the Libraries webpage – https://birmingham.spydus.co.uk and to remind our customers to hang on to their library books – fines will not be charged.
On Friday 1st May BookTrust is hosting Pyjamarama – an online festival of story filled fun to enjoy at home – in your pyjamas! Further information can be found at https://www.booktrust.org.uk.
You will also find a lot of free activities on the website and links to other online activities including one of our favourites – #DrawWithRob. Details can be found at http://www.robbiddulph.com/draw-with-rob
We are missing all of our valued customers – please stay safe.
Here is Sarah’s latest art piece to enjoy.